Ph.D., in Philosophy
Purdue University
Purdue University
May 2010
M.A., in Philosophy (with honors)
Talbot School of Theology
Talbot School of Theology
December 2003
B.A., (with honors)
Miami University (Ohio)
Miami University (Ohio)
May 1993
Areas of specialization
Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Christian Apologetics, Analytic Theology
Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Christian Apologetics, Analytic Theology
Areas of Competence
Logic, History of Philosophy, Theology, Biblical Studies
Logic, History of Philosophy, Theology, Biblical Studies
“A Defense of Platonic Theism”
“A Defense of Platonic Theism”
Michael Bergmann (Chair), Jeffrey Brower, Paul Draper
Michael Bergmann (Chair), Jeffrey Brower, Paul Draper
Oklahoma Baptist University, Philosophy and Apologetics Faculty, College of Graduate and
Professional Studies (part-time), August 2018 - present.
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Christian
Apologetics, August 2017-June 2018
• Senior Research Fellow Faith and Culture, Land Center, 2015-June 2018.
• Philosophy & Ethics Division Chair, 2015-June 2018
• Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Christian Apologetics: 2014-2017
• Philosophy Department Chair 2014-2015
CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ): 1997-2013
• Institute for Biblical Studies, professor, 2009-2103
• Faculty Commons, Executive Team, 2009-2012
• Faculty Commons, Field Staff, 2001-2009
• Undergraduate Ministry, Field Staff, 1997-2001
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, The College at Southeastern (Wake Forest, NC): 2011-2013.
Teaching Graduate Student in Philosophy, Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN): 2005-2010.
The Brewer Chair Research Assistantship, Mark Bernstein, Purdue University, Spring 2010.
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Indiana University-Kokomo (Kokomo, IN): 2004-2006.
1. Forthcoming, 2018. Stand Firm: Apologetics and the Brilliance of the Gospel (co-authored with Travis Dickinson and R. Keith Loftin). B & H Academic.
2. Forthcoming, 2019. Cultural Apologetics: Renewing the Christian Voice, Conscience, and Imagination in a Disenchanted World. Zondervan.
3. Forthcoming, 2019. Philosophy: A Christian Introduction (co-authored with Jamie Dew). Baker Academic.
4. 2014. The Outrageous Idea of the Missional Professor. Wipf & Stock.
Edited Books
1. Forthcoming, 2019. The Story of the Cosmos. (co-edited with Daniel Ray). Harvest House
2. 2016. Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy (co-edited with Richard Brian Davis). Zondervan.
3. 2014. Is Faith in God Reasonable? Debates in Philosophy, Science, and Rhetoric. (co-edited with Corey Miller). Routledge.
4. 2014. Beyond the Control of God? Six Views on the Problem of God and Abstract Objects. Bloomsbury Publishing Group.
5. 2014. Loving God with Your Mind: Essays in Honor of J.P. Moreland. (co-edited with Richard Brian Davis). Moody Press.
6. 2007. The Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar: Redeeming the Soul, Redeeming the Mind. (co-edited with William Lane Craig). Wheaton, IL: Crossway.
Referred Journal Articles
1. Forthcoming. “God, Atheism, and the Origins Debate. Southwestern Journal of Theology.
2. 2017. “Where the Bootstrapping Really Lies: A Neo-Aristotelian Reply to Panchuk,” (with Richard Brian Davis). International Philosophical Quarterly 57.4: 415-428.
3. 2014. “Theistic Activism and the Doctrine of Creation.” Philosophia Christi 16.2: 283-296.
4. 2014. “An Essay on Academic Disciplines, Faithfulness, and the Christian Scholar.” Christian Higher Education 13 (3): 167-182.
5. 2104. “Can God Create Abstract Objects? A Reply to Peter van Inwagen,” Sophia 53 (1): 99-112.
6. 2013. “How Does an Aristotelian Substance Have its Platonic Properties? Issues and Options,” Axiomathes 23 (2): 343-364.
7. 2012. “The Problem of Universals, Realism, and God,” Metaphysica Vol. 13:2: 183-194.
8. 2012. “The Problem of God and Abstract Objects: A Prolegomenon,” Philosophia Christi Vol. 13:2: 255-274.
9. 2011.“Theistic Activism: A New Problem and Solution,” Philosophia Christi Vol. 13: 127-139.
Book Chapters
1. in process, under contract. “Genesis and the Problem of Evil: Philosophical Musings on the Bible’s First Book,” in Cambridge Companion to Genesis, ed. Bill Arnold. Cambridge.
2. Forthcoming. “There are Universals,” in Problems in Philosophy, ed. Steven B. Cowan. Bloomsbury.
3. Forthcoming. “Recapturing the Discarded Image,” in the Story of the Cosmos, eds. Paul M. GOULD and Daniel Ray. Harvest House.
4. 2014. “Modified Theistic Activism,” (with Richard Brian Davis) in Beyond the Control of God? Six Views on the Problem of God and Abstract Objects. Bloomsbury Publishing Group.
5. 2014 “Replies to Craig, Yandell, Oppy, Shalkowski, and Welty (with Richard Brian Davis),” in Paul GOULD, ed., Beyond the Control of God? Six Views on the Problem of God and Abstract Objects. Bloomsbury Publishing Group.
6. 2014. “Introduction,” in Paul GOULD, ed., Beyond the Control of God? Six Views on the Problem of God and Abstract Objects. Bloomsbury Publishing Group.
7. 2014. “Theism, Platonism, and Explanation,” (with Stan Wallace) in Loving God with Your Mind: Essays in Honor of J.P. Moreland.
8. 2007. “The Two Tasks Introduced: The Fully Integrated Life of the Christian Scholar,” in The Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar, eds. Paul GOULD and William Lane Craig (Wheaton, IL: Crossway), 17-54.
Encyclopedia Entries
1. 2017. “Logical Positivism” (500 words), “Chinese Room Argument” (500 words), “Theism” (500 words). in The Zondervan Dictionary of Christianity and Science, eds. Paul Copan, Tremper Longman, Mike Strauss, Chris Reese. Zondervan.
Book Reviews and Review Essays
1. Forthcoming. “The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination,” ed. by Amy Kind, Southwestern Journal of Theology.
2. Forthcoming. “Idealism and Christian Philosophy,” eds. Steven B. Cowen and James S. Spiegel, Southwestern Journal of Theology.
3. 2017. “God Over All,” by William Lane Craig, Philosophia Christi 19.2: 469-472.
4. 2016. “Reading C. S. Lewis: A Commentary,” by Wesley A. Kort, Themelios.
5. 2015. “Urban Apologetics,” by Christopher Brooks, The Great Commission Research Journal.
6. 2014. “God and Evil,” ed. by Chad Meister and Jamie Dew, Philosophia Christ 16.2: 460-464.
7. 2013. “God and Necessity,” by Brian Leftow, Philosophia Christi 15 (2): 494-497.
8. 2013. “Creation and the Sovereignty of God,” by Hugh McCann, Faith and Philosophy 30 (3): 361-364.
9. 2013 “Intentionality and God: A Review Essay of Scott Smith’s Naturalism and Our Knowledge of Reality,” Philo Vol. 15.1: 97-105.
10. 2012. “The Consequences of (Some) Ideas,” Cultural Encounters Vol. 8:1:115-126. [review essay of James Davison Hunter’s To Change the World]
11. 2011. “Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind” by Mark Noll, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society Vol. 54.4: 874-877.
12. 2011. “Perspectives on the Doctrine of God: Four Views,” Philosophia Christi Vol. 13: 227-231.
Popular Essays and Miscellany
1. 2017. “Three Reasons Why I Teach Philosophy at a Seminary.” Christian Research Journal Vol. 40, No. 6 (2017): 58¬–9.
2. 2017. “Three Ways to Teach Your Kids Apologetics (Without Them Realizing It),” (with Ethel M. GOULD). Christian Research Journal Vol. 40, No. 2 (2017): 26–31.
3. 2015. “Further Reflections on Academic Faithfulness: Replies to Friendly Critics,” EPS Web Symposium, found here:
4. 2015. “Is Bigger Better? C. S. Lewis, Atheism, and the Argument from Size.” Knowing and Doing (Winter): 3, 15–18.
5. 2014. “The Church Needs Philosophers and Philosophers need the Church,” published on April 23 at the Gospel Coalition website.
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
Introduction to Philosophy
World Religions
Contemporary Worldviews
Characteristics of Godly Virtue
Early Western Civilization Seminar
19th Century Seminar
Graduate Courses Taught (Master's Level):
Philosophy of Religion
Critical Thinking
Cultural Apologetics
God and Evil
faith and Science
Apologetics of C. S. Lewis
Christ & Canon
Graduate Courses Taught (PhD)
The Metaphysics of Creation
God and Abstract Objects
1. Chad Meeks, “A Soulless Science: An Inquiry into the Limitations of Physical Science in Detecting a
Non-physical Soul” (Supervisor, defended Spring 2016)
2. Bradly J. Collier, “God and Fruitless Evil” (reader, defended Spring 2015)
3. John Gilhooly, “Angelic Assumption of the Body in Thomas Aquinas and Scripture” (reader, defended Spring 2014)
1. 2018, Forthcoming in November. “On the possibility of Re-enchantment,” Panel on Apatheism, AAR/SBL
national meeting, Denver, Colorado.
2. 2017. “Where the Bootstrapping Really Lies: A Neo-Aristotelian Reply to Panchuk,” (with Richard Brian Davis), November, National Evangelical Philosophical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
3. 2015. “A (Few) New Value Arguments for God,” November, National Evangelical Philosophical Society, Atlanta, GA.
4. 2013. “God’s Free, Rational, and Sovereign Creation of All Distinct (Necessary and Contingent) Reality,” November, National Evangelical Philosophical Society, Baltimore, MD.
5. 2012. Panelist response to Scott Smith’s Naturalism and Our Knowledge of Reality,” November, National Evangelical Philosophical Society, Milwaukee, WI.
6. 2012. “The Problem of Universals, Realism, and God,” March, Evangelical Philosophical Society Southeast Regional Conference, Wake Forest; November, National Evangelical Philosophical Society, Milwaukee, WI.
7. 2011. “An Essay on Academic Disciplines, Faithfulness, and the Christian Scholar,” November, Evangelical Philosophical Society National Conference, San Francisco.
8. 2011. “Can God Create Abstract Objects? A Reply to van Inwagen,” March, Society of Christian Philosophers East, Fordham University.
9. 2010. “’Whatever Platonic Properties Can Do, So Too Divine Concepts’: A Reply To Leftow”, April, Society of Christian Philosophers Midwest, Calvin College.
1. 2018, Forthcoming in October. “On the Re-enchantment of the World,” Denver Seminary, The Gordon Lewis Center for Christian Thought and Culture, Denver, Colorado.
2. 2017. “On the Re-enchantment of the World,” “An Invitation to Christian Philosophy,” September, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Oklahoma.
3. 2017. “Building Bridges to the Gospel,” “Does Science Disprove God?” May, Waterhouse Lecture Series, Honolulu, Hawaii.
4. 2017. “Building Bridges to the Gospel,” “Re-enchantment and an Apologetic of Return,” February, International Society of Christian Apologetics, Keynote Speaker, Dallas, Texas.
5. 2016: “Cultural Apologetics” and “An Invitation to Christian Philosophy,” October, Ratio Christi National Symposium, Charlotte, NC.
6. 2015: “Cultural Apologetics,” November, EPS Apologetics Conference.
7. 2015. University of Toronto, “Does Jesus Answer Life’s Biggest Questions?”, “On Being a Missional Professor,” February, sponsored by Power to Change.
8. 2015. Tyndale University, “The Christian Platonism of C. S. Lewis,” “On Being a Missional Professor,” invited talks to students and faculty.
9. 2014. Texas Christian University, “Evidence for the Resurrection,” March, sponsored by CRU.
10. 2014. University of Calgary & Mount Royal University, “Does God Care?” January, sponsored by Power to Change.
11. 2013. “Can God Create Abstract Objects? A Reply to Peter van Inwagen,” May, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary PhD Symposium.
12. 2012. “Faith and the Academy,” October, Ratio Christi Symposium.
13. 2012. University of Florida, “Against Saving the World on Your Own Time,” January, sponsored by Faculty Commons.
14. 2011. Charge at the Evangelical Philosophical Society Banquet, “Against Saving the World on Your Own Time,” November.
15. 2011. University of California, Berkeley, “Is Christianity Good for the World?” November, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
16. 2011. Stanford University, “The Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar,” November (to Faculty), sponsored by Faculty Commons.
17. 2011. Symposium on Christianity and the Academy, “Integrating Christianity and the Academy” (keynote address), October, sponsored by Ratio Christi.
18. 2011. Northeastern University, “Four Questions that leave Christians Speechless,” October, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
19. 2011. Ball State University, “Is Christianity Good for the World?” March, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
20. 2010. Student Leadership Conference, taught 10 hours on faith and scholarship for the “Post Graduate Track,” November, sponsored by the Tertiary Student Christian Fellowship, New Zealand.
21. 2010. University of Kansas, “The Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar,” October (to Faculty); “Four Questions that leave Christians speechless” (to students), sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
22. 2010. Michigan State University, “Why does God Allow Suffering?” March, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
23. 2009. National Staff Conference, Colorado, “Understanding the Theology of the Emergent Church,” July, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
24. 2009. Ohio University. “Priceless or Ordinary: Two Competing Views of Being Human,” February, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
25. 2006. University of Chicago, “Can Man Live Without God?” February, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
26. 2005. University of Michigan, “Can Man Live Without God?” October, sponsored by Christian Graduate Group.
27. 2005. Miami University (Ohio), “Why Does God Allow Suffering?” October, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
28. 2005. Butler University, “Open Forum on Christianity,” April, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
29. 2004. Northwestern University, “Postmodernism,” November, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
30. 2004. University of Toledo, “Tough Questions about God,” October, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
Evangelical Philosophical Society
• Vice President (2016-present)
• Executive committee member (2014-present)
Society of Christian Philosophers
The professors that teach the Bachelor of Theology and Ministry Program hold advanced degrees from the most prestigious Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities in the world including Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Baptist University, and Gateway Seminary. Lucent selects professors based on their faithfulness to the Scriptures, their academic background, lifetime achievements, and their ability to teach dynamic classes.