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We offer a free 7-day trial with no obligations, credit card information, or hidden catches. Experience firsthand the value of enrolling in the world's best ministry training school.
The goal of the Master's of Ministry Degree Online is to equip those called to the ministry. Those who successfully complete the program will be prepared to fully exercise any ministerial activity including becoming pastors, church leaders, missionaries, chaplains, teachers, etc. Upon the completion of the Degree, you will be equipped to:
Lucent University calculates the cost of its programs based on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of the World Bank. This opens the doors to students to afford to study at a US-based institution. The cost of your Master's of Ministry Degree Online program is determined by the average income of the country where you live.
Select from the drop-down below for the monthly tuition cost in the country where you live.
Besides offering the most affordable programs in the world, Lucent University also brings several benefits to enable students to achieve their academic goals. The list below further demonstrates why Lucent University is the best value in the market for online education.
Lucent University uses the most advanced educational system to teach the Master's of Ministry Degree Online. You will enjoy your class watching videos recorded by the best professors with perfect image and sound. Also, all the assignments are automatically organized for you.
Check out the clarity, quality of the content, and outstanding teaching abilities of our professors. Click on the videos below to watch the sample classes of the Online Master's Degree of Ministry Program.
The mission of Lucent University is to train students for ministry. Therefore, all our program outcomes lead to this goal with varying degrees of depth and breadth. Upon successful completion of the Master of Arts in Ministry program, the student will be able to:
The Master's of Ministry Degree Online prepares students to lead, guide and teach their congregation through worship and religious education, provide spiritual leadership, guidance, and pastoral care to the members of their church. Also, you can provide their community with spiritual and religious support through public speaking and weekly services. Graduates with a Master's Degree of Ministry can develop a career as:
The professors that teach the Master's of Ministry Degree Online hold advanced degrees from the most prestigious Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities in the world including Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Baptist University, and Gateway Seminary. Lucent selects professors based on their faithfulness to the Scriptures, their academic background, lifetime achievements, and their talent to deliver dynamic classes.
The Master's of Ministry Degree Online has a total of 36 credit hours divided into 3 terms of 12 credit hours. Each term lasts approximately 6 months and is comprised of 4 courses. The courses include video classes, reading materials, exams, and writing projects. Students may request to transfer credits from other institutions. Below you will find the list of the courses we offer in the program (course offer may vary). Click below to view the description of each course.
This course will introduce the student to evangelism on a personal, local, and global level. The student will be taught the theological foundations of the gospel, give practical methods for sharing the gospel, how to share their own testimony, how to address various objections to the gospel, and how to follow up with those who put their faith in Christ. In terms of world evangelism, the student will be introduced to the evangelistic strategies for sharing with those from other religions and other cultural contexts. Finally, evangelism will be considered within the church in terms of evangelistic messages, growing a church that evangelizes, and the relationship between evangelism and divine healing. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
This course examines what it means to be a Christian from an ethical standpoints. It will guide the student to consider the issue of ethnocentrism, our Christian worldview, and how they shapes our ethical values and standards of behavior. Various issues of life and culture will be examined biblically teaching the student to think biblically through them. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
In our New Testament Theology 1 course, the student will be introduced to six major areas of theology from a New Testament perspective. These areas include Theology Proper, Christology, Pneumatology, Angelology, Soteriology, and Ecclesiology. In each area of theology the student will learn the basis doctrinal concepts from an evangelical perspective along with its biblical support, alternate views, and relevant evaluations. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
Expository Preaching is a course designed to introduce the student to the processes of communicating expositional messages. This course will teach the student what an expository sermon is and how to construe one, where the student will be guided each step of the way. The student will also be taught the aspects of planning, delivering, and evaluating sermons. Finally, the professor will walk the student through three sermons from popular preachers to illustrate and evaluate the various elements of a sermon discussed throughout the course. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
Hermeneutics is a course that will introduce the student to the rules and principles of reading the Bible. The student will be led step by step through the process of obtaining biblical content through observation, interpreting the biblical content accurately, and drawing applications from the biblical interpretation to lives. Simultaneously, the student will also be made aware of the common errors that most often accompany the process of observation, interpretation, and application. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
This is a unique introductory course in how to carry out exegetical work in the original Greek language of the New Testament. The student will learn the alphabet, basic pronunciation, general history, and grammatical and syntactical categories of Koine Greek. In addition, the student will be taught to use the best available online resources to work in the Greek text. The student will learn how to use Greek texts, grammatical tools, lexical tools, and advanced commentaries to enrich their interpretation of the New Testament. In addition, the student will also learn about how to use their Greek abilities in light of the greater exegetical process. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
In our New Testament Theology 2 course, the student will be introduced to three additional major areas of theology from a New Testament perspective. These areas include Anthropology/Hamartiology, Bibliology, and Eschatology. This course will also continue the theological study in the areas of Soteriology and Ecclesiology. In each area of theology, the student will learn the basis doctrinal concepts from an evangelical perspective along with its biblical support, alternate views, and relevant evaluations. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
Expository Preaching is a course designed to introduce the student to the processes of communicating expositional messages. This course will teach the student what an expository sermon is and how to construe one, where the student will be guided each step of the way. The student will also be taught the aspects of planning, delivering, and evaluating sermons. Finally, the professor will walk the student through three sermons from popular preachers to illustrate and evaluate the various elements of a sermon discussed throughout the course. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
This course will introduce the student to the biblical idea of servant leadership. It will trace the modern study of leadership, explain the principles of leadership, and evaluate the various leadership theories. The student will then consider the model of servant leadership in terms of its development, its biblical foundation, and its examples from the Bible and world leaders. Finally the student will be instructed in how to take practical steps of implementing servant leadership in various cultures and how to train others to be servant leaders. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
The Old Testament survey class will introduce the student to the content and world of the Hebrew Bible. It begins with an overall look at the organization, themes, and approaches to the OT. This is followed by discussions concerning the introductory material, outline, major themes, and applications of each OT book. Special attention will be given to literary genres and how to view the OT text in light of Jesus. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
This course is designed to guide students to think through a variety of current issues considering the Bible’s teaching, perspective, and mandates. Special attention will be given to competing positions and beliefs as well as our source of authors. Throughout each issue the student will also be given practical suggestions to life out and to ministry to others facing these same current issues. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
This is a unique introductory course in how to carry out exegetical work in the original Hebrew and Aramaic language of the Old Testament. The student will learn the alphabet, basic pronunciation, general history, and grammatical and syntactical categories of Hebrew. In addition, the student will be taught to use the best available online resources to work in the Hebrew Bible. The student will learn how to use Hebrew texts, grammatical tools, lexical tools, and advanced commentaries to enrich their interpretation of the Old Testament. In addition, the student will also learn about how to use their Hebrew abilities in light of the greater exegetical process. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
The course prepares biblically-centered, Spirit-empowered servants with pastoral hearts and skills to reach God’s world, preach God’s word, and lead God’s church, to conform all people to Christ. It helps students interpret and communicate the Bible for transformation, whether in a worship service, at a Bible study, or around the campfire, employ theology in leading the church from inception (evangelism and church planting) to expression (worship and oversight), and respond theologically to contemporary issues like bioethics and spiritual formation. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
In the Organizational Management course the student will be instructed and acquire the skills needed to oversee the administration of the church. The class will begin with the foundational principles of leadership in the church, the various personal leadership styles, and how to develop other leaders in the church. The student will then be taught concerning the importance, the mission, and practical steps of discipleship within the church. With the goal of implementing discipleship, students will also acquire the knowledge and practical skills to communicate affectively, adapt to change, manage people, delegate and keep others accountable, manage conflicts, build community, manage one’s personal life, conduct fundraising, understand the decision making process, and the topics of money, time, and information management, all within a church context. In conjunction with this, the student will also learn about and construct a biblical mission statement, vision statement, a strategic plan for the church, and the use of spiritual gifts in the ministry of the church. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
Apologetics will introduce the student to the biblical and philosophical grounds for their Christian faith. It will focus on the major foundational beliefs of Christianity and how they differ from competing systems of thinking and religious beliefs. Special attention will be given to the issues of the existence of God, objections to Christianity, and other world religions. Through the course the student will be guided to think through issues biblically and to consider their practical implications. The course was designed for the Master's of Ministry Degree Online.
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online provides all materials you need for the program, for free. We provide each course material and aditional resources from a online library, so you can study anywhere at no aditional cost. Check our online libraries resources. More content is available for our students, which can be accessed after you enroll and start the Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online.
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including Biblehub.com.
This site contains many translations of the Bible as well as many biblical study tools, all of which can be accessed from the home page. For students that are non-English speakers, this site contains many resources in other languages. Make special not of the great apologetic work of Dr. Gary R. Habermas is found in the Library section.
Link: BibleHub.com
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including STEPBible.org.
This site is an excellent resource for studying the Bible with many modern and ancient translations and text of the Bible. The site offers an easy-to-use platform for comparing multiple texts in English or in other languages.
Link: STEPBible.org
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including NETBible.org.
This site contains the New English Translation of the Bible (NET) along with the extremely valuable NET Notes, which adds commentary and translation notes throughout the biblical text. This site also contains Thomas Constable’s notes on the Bible, which is a modern conservative commentary. It also contains may articles associated with a particular chapter of the Bible written by various contributors and a list of helpful maps.
Link: NETbible.org
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including Studylight.org.
The strength of this site is its vast amount of biblical tools including many commentaries, Bible dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Bible Concordances (under Bible Study Tools). It also contains a great section titled Bible Maps Archive containing color maps arranged in chronological sections (under Pastoral Resources). It also contains many church creeds, confessions, and catechisms, which are valuable for the study of church history (under Historian Writings).
Link: StudyLight.org
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including Bible.org. While we are glad to provide links to the following sites as an aid to our users, the fact that we provide these links does not mean that we endorse their doctrinal positions. We encourage all our readers to be like the Bereans of Acts 17:11 to search and use the Scripture as their final authority for what they accept as the truth.
Link: Bible.org
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including BibleWalks.com.
This site is great for a tour of biblical sites in Israel as they look today. Location reviewed provides pictures, a description of its historical significance along with biblical references..
Link: BibleWalks.com
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including BibleGateway.com.
This site offers a great selection of audio Bibles in English and many other languages.
Another hidden gem of this site is the IVP New Testament Commentary Series that can be found
under Study Tools - More Resources - Commentaries. There are commentaries on 8 New Testament
books that are excellent, modern resources.
Link: IVP New Testament Commentary Series.
There is also a number of Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias worth looking at, especially
Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia
of the Bible and the Dictionary of Biblical Themes.
Link: Dictionaries / Encyclopedia
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including BibleStudyTools.com.
This site gives you access to a variety of modern translations of the Bible in English and in other languages. A strength of this site is the sections that contain audio books and audio Bibles. Also of special note is that this site gives you access to Baker's Evangelical Dictionary.
Link: BibleStudyTools.com
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including BlueLetterBible.com.
One strength of this site is the easy of looking up words in their dictionary and encyclopedia section. Another strength is the Bible Reference page. Every listing contains helpful material to aid the student in their study of Scripture, such as gospel harmony tool that allows you to see the parallel passages contained in all four gospels or their Bible book & outline section that contains excellent historical introduction material on each book of the Bible. Every portion of this section is very valuable. There are a number of other helpful resources through this site that is worth your time.
Link: BlueLetterBible.com
The Affordable Master's Degree in Ministry Online offers a variety of online resources, including Public Domain Books & articles.
The Online Books Page lists over 3 million free books on the Web.
Link: The Online Books Page
To enroll in the Master's of Ministry Degree Online the candidate must have a Bachelor degree or an equivalent postsecondary diploma. Candidates that have English as their native language are exempt from taking the Test of English Comprehension (TEC).
Students whose native language is not English are required take the TEC. The TEC is free of charge. The test has a total of 100 multiple choice questions. The candidate has 90 minutes to complete the test. in order to be approved to the Master's of Ministry Degree Online, a minimum of 70% correct answers is required.
I enjoy the coursework immensely. I want to thank Lucent and
let the professors know how much I am being blessed by their teaching.
The courses really benefit me and expand the knowledge of evangelism. The materials make it easier to review the content.
I am a Master's of Ministry student, I’m enjoying the courses, and loving the program.
Thank you for the great online platform. I am very excited to explore the units of the course and connecting with a tutor.
I'm thankful to Lucent for the golden opportunity to take the classes. The courses are high-quality, organized, materials are excellent, and the professors are true experts.
To join the Master's of Ministry Degree Online, all you need to do is click in the green bottom below and enter your information in the enrollment form. After submitting the form a new page will appear where you will confirm your login and password. Then, you will be granted access to your dashboard and start taking your courses. It's that simple.