7 Days Trial
We offer a free 7-day trial with no obligations, credit card information, or hidden catches. Experience firsthand the value of enrolling in the world's best ministry training school.
We offer a free 7-day trial with no obligations, credit card information, or hidden catches. Experience firsthand the value of enrolling in the world's best ministry training school.
Lucent University is a US-based nonprofit evangelical institution providing affordable online ministry training for people all over the world.
Our programs are designed considering the spiritual and material challenges Gospel Ministers face in the real world. Our degrees are practical in nature and will prepare you with all the skills you need to effective ministering in your Church, community, or the mission field.
The Master's of Divinity is our most comprehensive program. The courses were developed to fully equip you to have a powerful and meaningful ministry.
The Master's of Ministry Degree Online is a Bible-based program designed to address the need of secular professionals that feel called to the ministry.
The Bachelor of Theology and Ministry is a Bible-based degree developed to give you gain an in-depth understanding of the Scriptures and equip you to enter the ministry.
The Associate of Theology Degree Online is a Bible-based program developed to address the need of those who want to have a deeper understanding of the Bible.
The Associate Degree of Ministry was developed for training students who want to enter the ministry, serve God in the church, community, or in the mission field.
The Certificate Course in Biblical Studies is a Bible-based program developed to address the need of those who want to have a deeper understanding of the Bible.
The Certificate Course of Ministry was designed for students who feel called to serve as a layperson, teach Sunday school, lead small groups, or serve in the church.
Learn in the 21st-century way to read and interpret the Greek New Testament without having to spend years learning the intricacies of Greek grammar, or memorizing thousands of words.
The courses offered by Lucent University, an Affordable Bible College Online, are developed by professors who hold advanced degrees from the most prestigious Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities in the world including Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Baptist University, and Gateway Seminary.
The Biblical Counseling course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to provide a general introduction to biblical pastoral counseling, including an overview of counseling theory and practice in the public, private and church settings. The approach to soul care will rely upon Scriptures and the comparison of the Biblical truth and human desires and expectations. The class will present a basic counseling methodology that will be applied to counseling situations including the biblical perspective on family, relationships, sexuality, forgiveness, finances, self-control, and depression.
The Discipleship Strategies course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to prepare you to effectively fulfill the Great Commission by developing systematic Bible training programs in your church and community. You will be presented techniques to organize and deliver Bible Study programs and measure the results of your projects. The course will cover both short events and long-term training programs. The course will also prepare you to defend the teachings of the Bible from the doctrines of the liberal and neo-pentecostal movements.
The Evangelistic Strategies course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to train you in both the theology and methodology of personal and mass evangelism. Through this course, you will be better equipped to both understand and apply effective methods of sharing the faith, answering questions, overcoming objectives, and following up with a seeker and/or a believer.
The Expository Preaching 1 course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online as an introduction to basic expository preaching theory and skills, emphasizing the preparation and delivery of a textually derived proposition with accuracy, interest, clarity, and relevance. A study in the preparation of expository sermons. Attention is given to the types of expository preaching: paragraph, parable, biographical, etc. A study of the methods of interpretation, the formula of expository sermon outlines, and the preaching of expository sermons.
The Expository Preaching 2 course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to equip you to prepare and deliver expository messages. You will learn methods and procedures that will help them standardize, facilitate preparation, and potentiality the effectiveness of your preaching, with the goal of transforming lives and producing mature churches through the accurate application of the Word of God.
The Pastoral Ministry course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to prepare you to become an effective minister of the Gospel by teaching the practical aspects of the minister’s career by providing a biblically centered, Spirit-empowered servants with pastoral hearts and skills to reach God’s world, preach God’s word, and service in God’s church. The purpose is to give the students the professional standards for answering the call to the ministry, spiritual life, balancing ministry, family, resting, event planning, preparation and celebration of weddings, the lord's supper, preparing for baptism and discipleship, performing funerals, children’s ministry, youth and college ministry, golden age ministry, Sunday school, discipleship programs, small groups, counseling, managing time, preparing and managing meetings, and setting up priorities.
The Missions Strategies course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to help you plan and participate in effective missionary programs. The discipline will cover the biblical basis of missions and history of missions for world missions and local missions. The planning the strategies for successful mission programs which includes missionary life and ministry, organizing mission trips, budgeting missions programs, and preparation for the mission field.
The Cults and the Occult course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to prepare you to deal with spiritual warfare. The discipline you give you the biblical perspective on identifying and facing demonic spirits and how to use these encounters as an evangelistic opportunity. This course is essential for people working in areas of the world where cults and witchcraft are prevalent.
The Hermeneutics course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to enhance your ministry by helping you to advance in the understanding and application of the Scriptures. You will be equipped to better interpret the Bible message and mission. You will also be able to preach or teach from the Bible with more effectiveness and confidence.
The Old Testament Theology 1 course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online as a survey of the Old Testament, employing thematic and exegetical methods. The historical background of each book will be presented according to its chronology and its role pointing to the coming of the Messiah. This survey will cover the books of Genesis through 2nd. Samuel.
The Old Testament Theology 2 course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online as a survey of the Old Testament, employing thematic and exegetical methods. The historical background of each book will be presented according to its chronology and its role pointing to the coming of the Messiah. This survey will cover the books of 1st. Kings through Malachi.
The New Testament 1 course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online for you to become acquainted with the following: important literature in the field, especially with respect to the various approaches to doing a theology of the New Testament; The Existence of God, The Nature of God - relationship of biblical interpretation to a method of doing biblical theology; the theological relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament - The Messianic Prophecies; the integral relationship of New Testament theology to the ideas of the kingdom, and The Great Commission. New Testament Theology 1 covers the book of Matthew to Acts.
The New Testament Theology 2 course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to with the goal make you acquainted with the following: important literature in the field, especially with respect to the various approaches to doing a theology of the New Testament; The Existence of God, The Nature of God - relationship of biblical interpretation to a method of doing biblical theology; the theological relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament - The Messianic Prophecies; the integral relationship of New Testament theology to the ideas of the kingdom, and The Great Commission. New Testament Theology 2 covers the book of Romans to Revelation.
The New Testament Survey 1 course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to introduce the doctrines of Scriptures, God, Humanity, Race, Salvation, Grace, Commandment, Church, Kingdom, Last Things, Eternity, and Stewardship. featuring a strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine. The course emphasis is designed to enhance your life and ministry by focusing on articulating the Biblical Christian faith through the systematic study of the Scriptures.
The New Testament Survey 2 course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to present the arguments against adding tradition, philosophy, culture, or external revelations to the content of the Scriptures. The course will also serve as an introduction to reasoning and will compare liberal theology with the teachings of the Scriptures.
The Theology of Forgiveness course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to introduce you to the dynamics of forgiveness and reconciliation from a theological and psychological perspective. The discipline will present you with the need for forgiveness for the salvation of the soul and well-being of the mind. The topics will cover from the atonement as presented in the Old Testament to the modern studies of the psychological effects of not forgiving others. The course will also teach how you can present others the doctrine of forgiveness to in evangelism and in church sanctification.
The course Theology of Miracles was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to provide you the understanding of how and when the spiritual world intervenes in the material world. The discipline will present the major miracles of the Bible and why God chose to make them happen. The role of prayer in the requesting of miracles, the question of why some prayers are not answered, and the issue of good and evil will also be examined.
The World Religions course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to acquaint students with the beliefs and traditions of religions that don't have the Old and New Testament as their sole source of special revelation. The discipline will cover the world’s major religious traditions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese Folk Religions, and Christian Cults. This course will prepare you to interact with different views on how to relate to God in order for you to become a better-equipped witness to those who do not know Christ as the only way to God and savior of humanity.
The English Grammar course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to provide an overview of the structure and usage of Modern English. The material covered in the course will provide basic knowledge of the form and function of Modern English and will be relevant to future courses in English composition. Topics include but are not limited to basic word structure, classification of words into what is traditionally known as ‘parts of speech’, description and analysis of various types of phrase structure and sentence structure, prescriptive verses, descriptive approaches to grammar, stylistic and dialectal variation in English syntax and grammaticalization and language change.
The English Composition course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to improve your ability to communicate in everyday situations in writing or speaking. Another focus of the programs is to lower the risk of others misunderstanding you. By studying the principles of communication, this course emphasizes the need for clarity and precision in written and spoken communication so that our audience may comprehend, and thus respond to, the content we present.
The Online Communication course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to give you the skills to use the Internet as an effective communication tool. You will learn how to do social media campaigns, video broadcast and posting, Internet ads, online publishing, discussion forums, blogging, the basics of web design, and search engine optimization.
The Strategic Management course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to provide leadership and management principles and processes to help and guide leaders as they manage the organization that they are responsible for. It includes training on organizational leadership, managing people, and managing resources (money, time, information, equipment, facilities, etc.), and stresses the importance of strategic planning. Each unit covers a particular topic and identifies the importance of it, the principles for it, the process to be used, and an opportunity to practice its use through a relevant exercise. All of the material in this training course is Biblically based and designed to provide a comprehensive and foundational understanding of management tools and techniques and their application. to provide leadership and management principles and processes to help and guide leaders as they manage the organization that they are responsible for. It includes training on organizational leadership, managing people, and managing resources (money, time, information, equipment, facilities, etc.), and stresses the importance of strategic planning. Each unit covers a particular topic and identifies the importance of it, the principles for it, the process to be used, and an opportunity to practice its use through a relevant exercise. All of the material in this training course is Biblically based and designed to provide a comprehensive and foundational understanding of management tools and techniques and their application.
The Servant Leadership course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to provide an overview of the structure of Servant Leadership. The material covered in the course will provide an introduction of the Early Leadership Theories, Supporters, Behaviors, Biblical Servant and applying Servant Leadership Theory.
The Greek New Testament Tools and Exegesis course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to allow you to be able to read and understand the basics of the Greek Bible using online tools, such as online lexicons, interlinears, and commentaries. When you complete the course, you will be able to better understand the New Testament in its original language and apply this knowledge in your studies, devotional life, and ministries.
The Hebrew Old Testament Tools and Exegesis course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to allow you to be able to read and understand the basics of the Hebrew Bible using online tools, such as online lexicons, interlinears, and commentaries. When you complete the course, you will be able to better understand the Bible originals and apply this knowledge in your studies, devotional life, and ministry.
The Biblical Greek 1 course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to help you study the New Testament in its original language. The course will introduce you to the vocabulary and grammar of Greek.
The Biblical Greek 2 course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online improve your Greek studying by working with translation, preaching, teaching, and personal study. All that you have learned from Greek 1 will be applied on Greek 2, so you will be able to lead Bible studies, prepare sermons, or teach the Bible in the classroom.
The Biblical Hebrew 1 course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to help you study the Old Testament in its original language. The course will introduce you to the vocabulary and grammar of classical Hebrew.
The Biblical Hebrew 2 course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to improve your Hebrew studying by working with translation. All that you have learned from Hebrew 1 will be applied on Hebrew 2.
The Apologetics course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to equip you to present a rational defense of the Christian faith, to see Jesus in all his beauty and brilliance, and to winsomely point others to Jesus (and the gospel) as our greatest need. The topics that will be explored include the existence and nature of God, the relationship between science and religion, the problem of pain and hell, religious pluralism, the nature of truth, religious exclusivity, the trustworthiness of the Bible, the historicity of the resurrection, and various cultural issues.
The course Introduction to Philosophy was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to introduce critical thinking and the idea that reasoning is allied to a Biblical world view. The discipline will cover the major philosophers of the Western world, their ideas, and how those ideas compare to the Biblical teachings of morality. You will be challenged to think for yourself and trust reason as the key to fully live the teachings of the Scriptures.
The Biblical Christianity course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online as a survey of environmental, cultural, and social issues which add perspective to biblical interpretation. An introduction to the serious study of the Bible in its historical, cultural, and literary context. The course emphasizes the essential content, structure, and theological message of the Bible.
The Bible Chronology, Geography and Archaeology course was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to give you a systematic overview of the major occurrences of the Old and New Testament. The discipline will give you a clear picture of where and when these events happened. Upon the completion of the course, you will have a clear understanding the Scriptures timeline.
The course History of the Western World was designed for the Affordable Bible College Online to teach you the main events of Western history from prehistoric times up the Reformation. You will be presented with the historical facts and asked to compare how those events have shaped human history to the present day. The course is organized chronologically, considers themes such as state formation, social stratification, religious and philosophic traditions, and the rise and fall of empires.
The Church History course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to introduce the student to the most significant events in early Christianity and how these early events led to Christianity in the Modern Era. The major traditions, practices, policies, and movements will be presented and how those events led to spiritual decline or revival. The course will cover the period of the early church up to the fall of the Roman Empire.
The Biblical Archeology course was developed for the Affordable Bible College Online to introduce you to the archaeological findings that correlate to the Bible narrative. You will be presented to the processes of archaeological discoveries and classification of artifacts. The discipline will provide you with an overview of the cultural, historical, social, and religious aspects of the Biblical passages. Upon the conclusion of the course, you will be able to better interpret and understand how the Bible characters lived and interacted with their environment.
Lucent University, an Affordable Bible College Online, developed the most advanced Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver your Ministry Degrees Online. You will enjoy your class watching videos recorded by the best professors with perfect image and sound. Also, your assignments are automatically organized for you.
After you complete your program from the Affordable Bible College Online, you will continue to have access to your dashboard.
We have developed the best learning system available. Our interface is the most advanced and the easiest to use. Your dashboard will give you access to everything you need in a single page. You can watch lessons, view your materials, and take your exams without having to constantly jump from one page to another. Also, the responsive interface allows you to view your classes in any device, no matter if you use a smartphone or a big screen TV.
Our classes are in high-definition to give you the best possible learning experience. The content is displayed in slides that are professionally prepared to present you the most relevant information. The professors appear in the top left corner of the screen giving you a personal connection similar to a regular classroom.
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Lucent University is a non-profit accredited Affordable Bible College Online based in the US. We are a mission-minded organization focused on preparing men and women for the ministry and the workplace. Find out more about Lucent University by clicking on the topics below.
Lucent University is the result of years of work by the Holy Spirit preparing His people and bringing together the technological resources to create the best possible learning experience for those who feel called to the ministry. If you are looking for a program to prepare you to fully exercise your gifts serving the Kingdom and others, Lucent University is the right place for you to answer your call to become an effective minister of the Gospel.
Lucent University, an Affordable Bible College Online, will equip you with the skills you need to have a powerful ministry. We prepare our students to work as Pastors, Youth Ministers, Discipleship Directors, Educators, Organizational Administrators, Evangelists, Missionaries, and Church Staff. Our students are presently serving all over the world working in their churches, communities, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, and the mission field.
We value the investment of time and money our students make to become better equipped to serve in the Kingdom. There are several factors enabling us to offer the Affordable Bible College Online Degrees Online charging the lowest tuition of any other accredited institution based in the United States. First is technology. We use the latest technological innovations to ensure that your efforts yield the highest return of investment at the most affordable cost. The work that goes into enrolling and managing users is done by computers, with minimal overhead. The second factor is that our professors are paid through royalties, thus faculty is not a fixed cost. Third, several individuals and organizations donate to our scholarship fund. Last, traditional Bible Colleges and Seminaries spend significant resources to maintain their facilities. As an cloud-based accredited institution, we don't need to invest in maintaining the infrastructure of a brick-and-mortar school. These factors combined allow us to provide a low-cost high-quality Theology and Ministry Degrees Online all over the world.
The Theology and Ministry Degrees Online offers significant advantages when compared to traditional brick-and-mortar schools, Bible Colleges or Seminaries. The Affordable Bible College Online enables you to study anywhere at any time, study at your own pace, review videos as many times as you need, and it is more affordable and more time efficient than regular programs. These factors make our Affordable Theology and Ministry Degrees Online an attractive proposition for those who can not attend or afford a regular Bible College or Seminary.
Lucent University is an accredited Affordable Bible College Online offering Master's Degree of Ministry (M.A. Min.) and the Master's Degree of Theology (M.A. Theo.). The programs were developed for those who have completed a non-biblical higher education degree or bachelor programs. The degrees meet the growing need of secular professionals that seek to increase their knowledge of the Bible and improve their talents in order to better serve God in their churches, communities, or in the mission field.
All our Bachelor programs are double majors. You can choose two concentrations, provided one concentration is related to Ministry or Theology.
The Associate of Ministry Degree (A.A. Min.), also known as Technical or Technologist degrees outside the United States, was designed for those who feel called to enter the ministry and have completed a high-school diploma.
The Certificate Course of Theology or Ministry were developed to teach the Bible and ministerial skills to students that feel called to enter the ministry but do not wish to pursue a formal degree program. The program offered by the Affordable Bible College Online covers Introduction to the Scriptures, Bible interpretation, theology, evangelism, expository preaching, ethics, apologetics, biblical languages, church administration, counseling, and servant leadership.
The professors that teach in the Affordable Bible College Online hold advanced degrees from the most prestigious Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities in the world including Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Baptist University, and Gateway Seminary. Lucent selects professors based on their faithfulness to the Scriptures, their academic background, lifetime achievements, and their ability to deliver dynamic classes.
The Affordable Bible College Online is your best alternative to regular Seminary or Bible College training. The Affordable Bible College Online offers courses in the areas of English Grammar, New Testament Theology, Expository Preaching, Biblical Christianity, Evangelistic Strategies, English Composition, Apologetics, Servant Leadership, Pastoral Ministry, Biblical Counseling, New Testament Theology, Discipleship Strategies, Greek New Testament and Exgesis, Bible History, Natural Sciences, Principals of Management, and Hebrew Old Testament Tools and Exegesis. The programs will prepare you with the knowledge you need to effectively serve as a Gospel minister. Enroll at Lucent University and answer your call to the ministry.
Lucent University is an accredited institution offering Ministry
Degrees Online at a price everyone in the world can afford.
We determine the cost of our programs for each Country using the World Bank's Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).