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We offer a free 7-day trial with no obligations, credit card information, or hidden catches. Experience firsthand the value of enrolling in the world's best ministry training school.
The goal of the Certificate Course in Theology Online is to equip those called to serve God and potentialize their spiritual gifts. Those who successfully complete the program will be eligible to become pastors, church leaders, missionaries, chaplains, or minister as a layperson. Upon the completion of the program, you will be equipped to:
Lucent University calculates the cost of its programs based on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of the World Bank. This opens the doors to students to afford to study at a US-based institution. The cost of your Certificate Course in Theology Online program is determined by the average income of the country where you live.
Select from the drop-down below for the monthly tuition cost in the country where you live.
Besides offering the most affordable programs in the world, Lucent University also brings several benefits to enable students to achieve their academic goals. The list below further demonstrates why Lucent University is the best value in the market for online education.
Lucent University uses the most advanced educational system ever created to teach the Certificate Course in Theology Online. You will enjoy your class watching videos recorded by the best professors with perfect image and sound. Also, all the assignments are automatically organized for you.
Check out the clarity, quality of the content, and outstanding teaching abilities of our professors. Click on the videos below to watch the sample classes of the Online Certificate Course in Theology Program.
The Certificate Course in Theology Online prepares you with an in-depth understanding of spiritual practices to prepare you for making a difference in your community through ministry work and education. The Certificate Course in Theology allows you to guide and teach your congregation through worship and religious education, provide guidance, and pastoral care to the members of your church. Also, you can provide your community with spiritual and religious support through public speaking and weekly services. Graduates in Certificate Course in Theology can develop a career as:
The professors that teach the Certificate Course in Theology Online hold advanced degrees from the most prestigious Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities in the world including Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Baptist University, and Gateway Seminary. Lucent selects professors based on their faithfulness to the Scriptures, their academic background, lifetime achievements, and their talent to deliver dynamic classes.
The Certificate Course in Theology Online is divided into 4 terms. Each term lasts approximately 6 months and is comprised of 4 courses. The courses include video classes, reading materials, and exams. Below you will find the list of the courses we offer in the program (course offer may vary). Click below to view the description of each course.
The Evangelistic Strategies course was designed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to train you in both the theology and methodology of personal and mass evangelism. Through this course, you will be better equipped to both understand and apply effective methods of sharing the faith, answering questions, overcoming objectives, and following up with a seeker and/or a believer.
The Biblical Christianity course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online as a survey of environmental, cultural, and social issues which add perspective to biblical interpretation. An introduction to the serious study of the Bible in its historical, cultural, and literary context. The course emphasizes the essential content, structure, and theological message of the Bible.
The New Testament 1 course was designed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online for you to become acquainted with the following: important literature in the field, especially with respect to the various approaches to doing a theology of the New Testament; The Existence of God, The Nature of God - relationship of biblical interpretation to a method of doing biblical theology; the theological relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament - The Messianic Prophecies; the integral relationship of New Testament theology to the ideas of the kingdom, and The Great Commission. New Testament Theology 1 covers the book of Matthew to Acts.
The Expository Preaching 1 course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online as an introduction to basic expository preaching theory and skills, emphasizing the preparation and delivery of a textually derived proposition with accuracy, interest, clarity, and relevance. A study in the preparation of expository sermons. Attention is given to the types of expository preaching: paragraph, parable, biographical, etc. A study of the methods of interpretation, the formula of expository sermon outlines, and the preaching of expository sermons.
The Apologetics course was designed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to equip you to present a rational defense of the faith, to see Jesus in all his beauty and brilliance, and to winsomely point others to Jesus (and the gospel) as our greatest need. The topics that will explore include the existence and nature of God, the relationship between science and religion, the problem of pain and hell, religious pluralism, the nature of truth, religious exclusivity, the trustworthiness of the Bible, the historicity of the resurrection, and various cultural issues.
The New Testament Theology 2 course was designed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to with the goal make you acquainted with the following: important literature in the field, especially with respect to the various approaches to doing a theology of the New Testament; The Existence of God, The Nature of God - relationship of biblical interpretation to a method of doing biblical theology; the theological relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament - The Messianic Prophecies; the integral relationship of New Testament theology to the ideas of the kingdom, and The Great Commission. New Testament Theology 2 covers the book of Romans to Revelation.
The Expository Preaching 2 course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to equip you to prepare and deliver expository messages. You will learn methods and procedures that will help them standardize, facilitate preparation, and potentiality the effectiveness of your preaching, with the goal of transforming lives and producing mature churches through the accurate application of the Word of God.
The Servant Leadership course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to provide an overview of the structure of Servant Leadership. The material covered in the course will provide an introduction of the Early Leadership Theories, Supporters, Behaviors, Biblical Servant and applying Servant Leadership Theory.
The course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to give students an overview of the life of Christ. The course will cover the historical events prior to the incarnation of Christ giving the students a background of the time and history of where Christ lived and implemented his ministry. The second half of the course will cover the biblical narrative of how started, developed, and completed his ministry. The course requires the reading of the Gospel in a chronological order to aid the student on how to understand the progression of the Life of Christ in a systematic order.
The Old Testament Survey course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online as a survey of the Old Testament, employing thematic and exegetical methods. The historical background of each book will be presented according to its chronology and its role pointing to the coming of the Messiah. This survey will cover the books of Genesis through Malachi.
The course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to provide a general introduction to biblical pastoral counseling, including an overview of counseling theory and practice in the public, private and church settings. The approach to soul care will rely upon Scriptures and the comparison of the Biblical truth and human desires and expectations. The class will present a basic counseling methodology that will be applied to common counseling situations including the biblical perspective on family, relationships, forgiveness, self-control, and depression.
The course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to allow you to be able to read and understand the basics of the Greek Bible using online tools, such as online lexicons, interlinears, and commentaries. When you complete the course, you will be able to better understand the New Testament in its original language and apply this knowledge in your studies, devotional life, and ministries.
The Hermeneutics course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to enhance your ministry by helping you to advance in the understanding and application of the Scriptures. You will be equipped to better interpret the Bible message and mission. You will also be able to preach or teach from the Bible with more effectiveness and confidence.
The Contemporary Issues course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to actively explore complex issues in our contemporary society such as social justice, politics, energy use, environmental issues, education and public health. It also explores current, arguable topics such as stereotyping, racism, sexism, abortion, educational systems, gun violence, school violence, healthcare systems, pandemics and affirmative action. The course has been designed to eliminate much of the confusion surrounding these issues and allow students to evaluate the issues and propose solutions.
The Organizational Management course was developed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to provide leadership and management principles and processes to help and guide leaders as they manage the organization that they are responsible for. It includes training on organizational leadership, managing people, and managing resources (money, time, information, equipment, facilities, etc.), and stresses the importance of strategic planning. Each unit covers a particular topic and identifies the importance of it, the principles for it, the process to be used, and an opportunity to practice its use through a relevant exercise. All of the material in this training course is Biblically based and designed to provide a comprehensive and foundational understanding of management tools and techniques and their application. to provide leadership and management principles and processes to help and guide leaders as they manage the organization that they are responsible for. It includes training on organizational leadership, managing people, and managing resources (money, time, information, equipment, facilities, etc.), and stresses the importance of strategic planning. Each unit covers a particular topic and identifies the importance of it, the principles for it, the process to be used, and an opportunity to practice its use through a relevant exercise. All of the material in this training course is Biblically based and designed to provide a comprehensive and foundational understanding of management tools and techniques and their application.
The Hebrew Old Testament Tools and Exegesis course was designed for the Certificate Course in Theology Online to allow you to be able to read and understand the basics of the Hebrew Bible using online tools, such as online lexicons, interlinears, and commentaries. When you complete the course, you will be able to better understand the Bible originals and apply this knowledge in your studies, devotional life, and ministry.
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online provides all materials you need for the program, for free. We provide each course material and aditional resources from a online library, so you can study anywhere at no aditional cost. Check our online libraries resources. More content is available for our students, which can be accessed after you enroll and start the Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online.
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including Biblehub.com.
This site contains many translations of the Bible as well as many biblical study tools, all of which can be accessed from the home page. For students that are non-English speakers, this site contains many resources in other languages. Make special not of the great apologetic work of Dr. Gary R. Habermas is found in the Library section.
Link: BibleHub.com
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including STEPBible.org.
This site is an excellent resource for studying the Bible with many modern and ancient translations and text of the Bible. The site offers an easy-to-use platform for comparing multiple texts in English or in other languages.
Link: STEPBible.org
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including NETBible.org.
This site contains the New English Translation of the Bible (NET) along with the extremely valuable NET Notes, which adds commentary and translation notes throughout the biblical text. This site also contains Thomas Constable’s notes on the Bible, which is a modern conservative commentary. It also contains may articles associated with a particular chapter of the Bible written by various contributors and a list of helpful maps.
Link: NETbible.org
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including Studylight.org.
The strength of this site is its vast amount of biblical tools including many commentaries, Bible dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Bible Concordances (under Bible Study Tools). It also contains a great section titled Bible Maps Archive containing color maps arranged in chronological sections (under Pastoral Resources). It also contains many church creeds, confessions, and catechisms, which are valuable for the study of church history (under Historian Writings).
Link: StudyLight.org
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including Bible.org. While we are glad to provide links to the following sites as an aid to our users, the fact that we provide these links does not mean that we endorse their doctrinal positions. We encourage all our readers to be like the Bereans of Acts 17:11 to search and use the Scripture as their final authority for what they accept as the truth.
Link: Bible.org
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including BibleWalks.com.
This site is great for a tour of biblical sites in Israel as they look today. Location reviewed provides pictures, a description of its historical significance along with biblical references..
Link: BibleWalks.com
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including BibleGateway.com.
This site offers a great selection of audio Bibles in English and many other languages.
Another hidden gem of this site is the IVP New Testament Commentary Series that can be found
under Study Tools - More Resources - Commentaries. There are commentaries on 8 New Testament
books that are excellent, modern resources.
Link: IVP New Testament Commentary Series.
There is also a number of Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias worth looking at, especially
Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia
of the Bible and the Dictionary of Biblical Themes.
Link: Dictionaries / Encyclopedia
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including BibleStudyTools.com.
This site gives you access to a variety of modern translations of the Bible in English and in other languages. A strength of this site is the sections that contain audio books and audio Bibles. Also of special note is that this site gives you access to Baker's Evangelical Dictionary.
Link: BibleStudyTools.com
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including BlueLetterBible.com.
One strength of this site is the easy of looking up words in their dictionary and encyclopedia section. Another strength is the Bible Reference page. Every listing contains helpful material to aid the student in their study of Scripture, such as gospel harmony tool that allows you to see the parallel passages contained in all four gospels or their Bible book & outline section that contains excellent historical introduction material on each book of the Bible. Every portion of this section is very valuable. There are a number of other helpful resources through this site that is worth your time.
Link: BlueLetterBible.com
The Affordable Certificate in Bible Studies Online offers a variety of online resources, including Public Domain Books & articles.
The Online Books Page lists over 3 million free books on the Web.
Link: The Online Books Page
There are no admission requirements to enroll in the Certificate Course in Theology Online. Also, candidates are exempt from taking the Test of English Comprehension.
I enjoy the coursework immensely. I want to thank Lucent and
let the professors know how much I am being blessed by their teaching.
The courses really benefit me and expand the knowledge of evangelism. The materials make it easier to review the content.
I am a Master's of Ministry student, I’m enjoying the courses, and loving the program.
Thank you for the great online platform. I am very excited to explore the units of the course and connecting with a tutor.
I'm thankful to Lucent for the golden opportunity to take the classes. The courses are high-quality, organized, materials are excellent, and the professors are true experts.
To join the Certificate Course in Theology Online, all you need to do is click in the green bottom below and enter your information in the enrollment form. After submitting the form a new page will appear where you will confirm your login and password. Then, you will be granted access to your dashboard and start taking your courses. It's that simple.