Graduate of Boswell High School
Boswell, Oklahoma.
Boswell, Oklahoma.
Graduate cum laude of Oklahoma Baptist University
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Bachelor of Arts in Religion.
Graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Fort Worth, Texas
Fort Worth, Texas
Master's of Divinity with emphases in Missions and Evangelism.
Graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Fort Worth, Texas
Fort Worth, Texas
Doctor of Ministry with emphases in Pastoral Ministry and Theology.
Graduate of Dallas Baptist University
Dallas, Texas.
Dallas, Texas.
Honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Pastor, Floyd Baptist Church
Greenville, Texas
Greenville, Texas
Senior Pastor, Faith Baptist Church
Iowa Park, Texas
Iowa Park, Texas
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church
Garland, Texas
Garland, Texas
Current Ministry
Garland, Texas
Garland, Texas
• Garland, Texas is a suburb of Dallas. Population in the Garland Independent School District is
• Garland is the second most diverse city in Texas with the following demographic breakdown: 39% Anglo, 37% Hispanic, 14% African-American, 9% Asian.
• First Baptist Church is a diverse congregation blending various ethnicities, social levels, and economic levels.
• Average worship attendance increased from 958 in 2004 to 1550 in 2017.
• Average Sunday School attendance increased from 1117 in 2004 to 1550 in 2017.
• Annual financial giving increased from $2.94 million in 2004 to $5.56 million in 2017.
• A $2.5 million debt in 2004 was liquidated and FBCG has remained debt-free since 2010.
• Nine parcels of land have been purchased since 2004, all debt-free, to poise the church for future expansion.
• 56% of the church's active members have joined the congregation since 2000.
• 33% of the church's active members have joined the congregation since 2010.
• GED classes taught to the public, at the church, free of charge (with free childcare) one night per
• ESL classes taught to the public, using the Gospel of John, free of charge three nights per week.
• Benevolence Ministry (called Friendship House) open 40 hours per week assisting 175 families weekly with physical, material, and spiritual needs.
• Divorce Care and Divorce Care for Kids meets throughout the year in 13-week cycles.
• Began counseling services with two professional counselors
• Began a Grief Share Ministry
• Began Mother's Day Out program and summer school lunch program
• Added 9 mission partnerships around the world since 2004 (Firewheel Towne Center in Garland; Code Cares in Garland; Connection Church Planting in South Dakota; Calvary Baptist Church in Santa Clara, California; United Nations Outreach in New York City; City Church in Amarillo, Texas; Betania Baptist Church in Sighisoara, Romania; Angola Baptist Seminary in Luwanda, Angola; and Pernambuco State Baptist Convention in Recife, Brazil)
• Began a Spanish-Language Ministry
• Began a Men's Ministry
• Re-organized and expanded the Women's Ministry
• Began a Special Needs Ministry
• Began a detailed Assimilation Ministry for greater involvement and retention of new members
• Renovated the Sanctuary, Children's Area, and Atrium of the church facilities.
- Early Life and Letters of Paul (undergraduate),
- New Testament Survey (undergraduate),
- The Gospel of Mark (undergraduate),
- Christian Doctrine (undergraduate),
- New Testament Survey (Master'ss level),
- Transformational Worship (Master'ss level),
- Proclamation (Master'ss level), and Servant Leadership (Doctorate level).
Doctoral supervisor
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Adjunct Instructor
Wayland Baptist University
Wayland Baptist University
Adjunct Instructor
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas Baptist University
Reader, Department of Educational Ministries and
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas Baptist University
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas Baptist University
Presidential Search Committee
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas Baptist University
Now My Eye Sees You: What a Doctorate of Theology Did Not Teach Me About God, My Son Did.
Hannibal Books, 2011
Now My Eye Sees You: What a Doctorate of Theology Did Not Teach Me About God, My Son Did.
Hannibal Books, 2011
Enjoy running and competing in half-marathons
Broadcast sporting events for Cumulus Broadcasting
The professors that teach the Bachelor of Theology and Ministry Program hold advanced degrees from the most prestigious Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities in the world including Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Baptist University, and Gateway Seminary. Lucent selects professors based on their faithfulness to the Scriptures, their academic background, lifetime achievements, and their ability to teach dynamic classes.