- Dr. Gandy is an analytical thinker without enough time in the day to research all the things he is interested in learning.
- His Myers-Briggs personality type is ENFP, which fairly accurately captures who he is. He loves teaching, and believe God has gifted him for and called to this profession.
- Some of the courses he teaches include social entrepreneurship, management, management communication, and organizational behavior.
- He has a high level of personal integrity and a strong work ethic rooted in moral, philosophical, and theological principles.
Associate Professor
Dallas Baptist University, College of Business
2012 – Present
• Teach a variety of classes including management, communications,
organizational behavior, leadership, followership, statistics, Christian worldview, strategy,
innovation, and social entrepreneurship
• Typically receive above-average scores on student evaluations
• Advise 45+ students each semester
• Chair of various committees
Director of the Center for Service-Learning
Dallas Baptist University
2008 - 2012
• Directed the initial service-learning program
• Developed relationships with 100+ community partners
• Hosted workshops for faculty on best practices of service-learning
Assistant Director, Spiritual Life
Dallas Baptist University
2007 - 2012
• Helped create a ministry to area churches
• Helped create a traveling summer recreation team
• Co-led mission trips to various locations
Adjunct faculty
Dallas Baptist University, Provost’s Office
2007 - 2012
Minister of Youth and Recreation
First Baptist Church, Breckenridge, TX
2000 - 2006
Program Director and Summer Staff Coordinator
Big Country Baptist Assembly, Lueders, TX
Summers 1995 - 1999
Ph.D. in Leadership Studies
Dallas Baptist University
M.Div. in Pastoral Ministry
Logsdon Seminary, Hardin-Simmons University
M.B.A. in General Business
Texas Tech University
B.B.A. in Management
Texas Tech University, magna cum laude
TUNIE, Texas University Network of Innovation and Education
Sponsor and Director
The Regiment, Dallas Baptist University
Parking Team
Church on Rush Creek, Mira Lagos, Mansfield, Texas
Sunday School Teacher, Young Married Class
Hillcrest Baptist Church, Cedar Hill, Texas
Sunday School Teacher, College Ministry
Hillcrest Baptist Church, Cedar Hill, Texas
Associational Youth Minister
Cisco Baptist Association
2003-2004 and 2005-2006
Board Member, Chamber of Commerce
Breckenridge, Texas
Little League baseball
BCBA Youth Camp
Summers 2004-2006
Camp Pastor
Lad and Lassie Camp
Summers 2004 and 2006
Vice-President and Grant Chairperson, Fine Arts Music Board
Breckenridge, Texas
Executive Board Member
Big Country Baptist Assembly
DBU Athletic Mentor
2013, 2014, 2015
Fidelis Quo Veras Award, DBU College of Business
Commercial Driver’s License
2001 - Present
License of Certification to ministry, First Baptist Church, Breckenridge, TX
He hastraveled extensively in Mexico, Asia, Europe, and Latin America with Dallas Baptist University
and with various churches leading students on mission trips and service projects.
He is married to Christy Gandy, and had their first child, Zachary, in August 2012, and second, Isaac,
in November, 2014.
- They serve at The Church on Rush Creek, Mira Lagos, in Mansfield, Texas.
- He enjoys playing golf and hunting as time permits.
- Though his wife is the true musician, he owns a guitar, and has hasperformed with a community theater.
- The Food Network is their favorite channel, and he will cook anything if his wife will help him clean the kitchen when he is done.
- He tries to keep his lawn and garden green, and recently finished building a deck and pergola in their back yard.
The professors that teach the Bachelor of Theology and Ministry Program hold advanced degrees from the most prestigious Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities in the world including Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Baptist University, and Gateway Seminary. Lucent selects professors based on their faithfulness to the Scriptures, their academic background, lifetime achievements, and their ability to teach dynamic classes.